Motherhood During The Pandemic

Corona Pandemic times have had a fully “motherhood” impact on me. Everything was only about the three of us, which became the four of us in April, as I got pregnant with our second daughter. Our love, our needs, our struggle to stay sane and together. All people keeping distance suddenly felt like a great emptiness. Only nature and trees became Erica’s buddies, and we had to invent together games and to play differently than she would do on a playground. I realized and learnt so many things about my own child, how tactile and free she can be. When she is tired, she listens right away to her body (unlike we, adults) and she lays down in the street, on a path in the forest or wherever she feels like to. She made me look more closely at things, from leaves to geese. Somehow she directed the lenses of my camera, to things I would have never photographed before, just by saying “mama, look”.

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